Our Board Of Directors


Kayode was born on 28th October 1961 to the family of
Late Chief Ayodele Falowo & Chief (Mrs.) Modupe
Falowo in Ibadan. He attended the Government
College Ibadan in 1977 where he obtained his West
Africa Examination Certificate. He holds a B.Sc. (Hons)
in Agricultural Engineering from the University of Ife
(now Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile Ife) Oyo State in
1982 and an MBA (Finance) from the University of
Kayode is an Investment Banker with over 35 years
post-graduation experience in Finance, especially in
Commercial and Investment Banking. He founded
Greenwich Trust Limited now Greenwich Merchant
Bank 26 years ago with the active support of his wife,
He has attended numerous workshops and seminars
which include the following:
· Owner/President Management Programme at the
Harvard Business School;
· International Management Programme at the
Lagos Business School;
· Chief Executive Programme at the Lagos Business
· Executive Management Programme (EMP) &
Financial Training at the IESE Business School,
Barcelona, Spain;
· Executive Management Programme at the
University of Stellenbosch Business School, South
· Strategic Thinking, Decision Making & Planning by
Psyntech & The Nigerian Stock Exchange;
· Fixed Income Training Programme at Financial
Euromoney Training EMEA, UK;
· Directors and Risk Management Training at FITC
Consulting & Risk Reward Limited UK; and
· Financial Statement Analysis and
Valuation at the Lagos Business School;
Kayode Falowo is an active member of
numerous professional and industry
associations where he participates actively.
He is a distinguished Fellow of the Chartered
Institute of Stockbrokers, a Fellow of the
Association of Investment Advisers and
Portfolio Managers, a Fellow of Association of
Pension Funds of Nigeria and a Fellow of the
Certified Pension Institute of Nigeria. In
addition, he is a member of the Nigerian
Economic Summit Group, the Lagos Chamber
of Commerce & Industry, the Institute of
Directors (IoD) Nigeria, the Institute of
Management Consultants and the Nigerian
Institute of Management.
He has also served in numerous capacities as
m e m b e r a n d c h a i r m a n o f v a r i o u s
committees, He is the immediate Past
President and Chairman of Council of the
Nigerian-British Chamber of Commerce.
Mr. Falowo is a seasoned Investment Banker
a n d i s v e r y p a s s i o n a t e a b o u t t h e
development of the Capital Market in
Nigeria. He was a Council member of the
Nigerian Stock Exchange and once served as
the Chairman of the Capital Market
Committee on Products and Business
Development. He currently sits on the Board
of the National Association of Securities
Dealers (NASD) Plc, where he is also the
Chairman of the Rules Committee.


Mr. Osa Osunde, FCS, FCTI, F.IoD, is the
Executive Chairman of Fidelity Finance
Company Limited (Member of the Nigerian
Stock Exchange).
He has Higher National Diploma (HND) in
Accountancy from Auchi polytechnic, Auchi in
1986. He attended the prestigious New York
Institute of Finance, New York, USA in 1992.
Mr. Osa Osunde is an Authorized dealer of The
Nigerian Stock Exchange. He belongs to
several professional bodies which are:
Fellow, Chartered Institute of Stockbrokers
(FCS), Fellow, Institute of Directors (FIoD)
Nigeria, Fellow , Chartered Institute of
Taxation of Nigeria (FCTI), Fellow, Nigeria
Institute of Management (FNIM), Member,
Association of Arbitrators of Nigeria ( MA.
Arb.N), and Senior Fellow of the Institute of
Administrative Management of Nigeria,
(SFIAMN), Fellow Nigerian Institute of Cost
and Management Accountants (FCMA) and
Member Certified Institute of Pension
Management (MIPM).
He started his career as Head of Stockbroking
with Wintrust Limited, Lagos in
1990 and left the company in September 1991
as head of stockbroking department. In
January 1992, he moved to Fidelity Finance
Company Limited, another stockbroking
outfit as an Assistant General Manager in
charge of Treasury and Stockbroking
Investment, but today he has risen to
become the Chairman of the Organization.
Mr. Osa Osunde is on the board of several
quoted companies in Nigeria some of which
are; Presco Oil Plc; Meyer Plc; Nigerian Wire
& Cable Plc (Vice-Chairman);
immediate past Chairman of Afribank
Nigeria Plc, former Vice-Chairman AP Plc
(now Forte Oil Plc) and former Director
Niger Insurance Plc.
He also serves as a Director in several other private limited
liability companies including Clapton
Estates Limited, South-point Oil & Gas
Limited, White-Gold Oil & Gas Limited,
Freeland Estates Limited, Freelands
Petroleum Limited and Director HP
Construction and Dredging Limited just to
mention a few. Fidelity Finance Company
Limited (a foremost stockbroking firm) of
which Mr. Osunde is theChairman has been a
corporate member of the Institute of Direct
Marketing of Nigeria since 2007. (CM-
Mr. Osa Osunde is a seasoned professional of
proven integrity, a meticulous and dynamic
capital market operator with an enviable
track record. He is widely travelled and
happily married with children.


Mr. Tony Uponi graduated with a
Bachelor of Laws (LL.B Hons) degree
from the University of Benin in 1986,
and immediately proceeded to the
Nigerian Law School where he
graduated with a second class upper
and was accordingly called to Bar in
October 1987. He subsequently
pursued a postgraduate programme
leading to the award to him, of a
Master of Laws (LL.M) degree (with
specialization in Company Law) from
the University of Lagos in 1992.
Upon completion of his postgraduate
p r o g r a m m e , M r. To n y U p o n i
established the Law Firm of Marriot
Solicitors where he has been the
Principal Partner since 1992.
He has over the past 33 years, been
fully engaged in private legal
practice. He was conferred the status
of a Notary Public by the Supreme
Court of Nigeria in Year 2009.
Mr. Tony Uponi is registered as a
Capital Market Consultant by the
Securities & Exchange Commission
and is a member of the Capital Market
Solicitors Association.
He has played an active role as a
Solicitor and Legal Consultant on
s e v e r a l l a n d m a r k m e r g e r s ,
acquisitions, capital raising and other
transactions in the financial services
sector. He presently sits as a Director
in several reputable Companies
including Greenwich Merchant Bank
Limited, Citadel Nominees Limited,
Greenwich Trustees Limited, and
Davennis Limited. He has attended
several local and international
seminars as well as training programs
organized for Directors.


E r e l u A n g e l a A d e b a y o i s t h e
Chairperson, Erelu Adebayo Foundation
for the under Privileged. She was the
First lady of Ekiti State between 1999
and 2003. She was appointed to the
Board of Meyer Plc as a Non –Executive
Director in July 2010.
She holds a B.sc in Social Sciences and
Masters in Business Administration
(MBA). She has a Mphil (Cantab) Land
Economy from the University of
Cambridge in 1994. She started her
working career with a brief stint at ICON
Limited Merchant Bankers as a Banking
Officer 1980). Thereafter she became a
Property/Insurance Manager at Ashland
Oil Nigeria Company (1983-1990).
Later, she became the Managing
Director at A.A. Adebayo & Associates
Property Consults between 1990 and
1999. Presently, she is the Managing
Director of Quintecca (Nigeria) Limited-
Property Consultant and a Board member of
Dangote Foundations and United Bank for Africa
Erelu Adebayo was the first female Chairman of
Wemabod Estates and was the Chairman of
Afriland Properties Plc until she retired in 2018.
She is the Chairman of Greenwich Foundation and
a Trustee of Dangote Foundation. She is also a
council member of the NGX (formerly the
Nigerian Stock Exchange), and currently presides
as Chairman of the NGX Real Estate Company.
She has attended many training courses both
locally and internationally. She is happily married
with children.


Mrs. Vivienne Ochee Bamgboye holds
a B.A in English and Drama (Ahmadu
B e l l o U n i v e r s i t y ) a n d a n L L B
(University of Ibadan). She was called
to the Nigerian Bar in 1989. She is a
certified PRINCE2 project manager
and holds a PGD in Youth Social Work
(Goldsmiths College, University of
London). She also has a certificate in
E x e c u t i v e C o a c h i n g f r o m t h e
University of Cape Town and The
Coaching Academy, UK.
She is an organisational and human
capacity development practitioner
with 30 years' experience that spans
corporate and public law, policy
advisory and development consulting
both in Nigeria and the UK. She has a
track record of designing consulting
s o l u t i o n s f o r o r g a n i s a t i o n a l
transformation or institutional
She started her professional career as
a practice attorney at the Rhodes &
Rhodes law firm before moving to
public law advocacy in the UK. She
has also served as team leader for
capacity building in the Federal
Ministry of Education and Team Lead
for the advisory team at the Federal
Ministry of Agriculture & Rural
As Lead Consultant at the Oye Centre
for Learning & Development, she has
led project teams to oversee high
impact people development and
organisational restructuring projects
f o r p r i v a t e s e c t o r c l i e n t s &


Dr. Olutoyin Okeowo is the Managing
Director/Chief Executive Officer of
Metropolitan Motors Ltd.
He has a wide range of experience
having served on the board of several
companies, including VT Leasing
Limited, Meyer Plc., Greenwich Trust
Limited, GTL Trustees Limited, Funds
Electronic Transfer Systems Limited,
Kabelmetal Nigeria Plc., Oasis
Insurance Plc and TMJ Properties
Limited. He started his career as a
lecturer in the faculty of Business
Administration, the University of
Lagos, before he resigned to join the
family business in 1986.
Dr. Okeowo is the Chairman of the
Equipment Leasing Association of
Nigeria (ELAN) and the Chairman of
the Board of Trustees of the University
College Hospital (UCH) Ibadan
Foundation. He is a member of the
G o v e r n i n g C o u n c i l o f s e v e r a l
institutions including the Nigerian
Institute of Management (NIM), Ajayi
Crowther University, Oyo State and
Immanuel College of Theology,
Ibadan. In recognition for his
u n w a v e r i n g a n d o u t s t a n d i n g
dedication to the service, in 2019, he
was conferred the honorary degree of
Doctor of Science (D.Sc) Business
Administration by Ajayi Crowther
He holds a master's degree in
Management Science and Technology
from the University of Wales, UK,
Institute of Science and Technology.
He is an alumnus of Lagos Business
School and a Fellow of the Institute of
Directors of Nigeria (IOD).
He is a member of Metropolitan Club,
Victoria Island. Lagos.


Dr. David Olufemi. Onabajo, the Managing
Director & Chief Executive Officer of the
Company. He is a transformational Leader,
business Strategist, Strategic Marketing &
Sales leader with over two decades of
blended experience as a C-Suite Executive
leading business, championing strategic
change management, overseeing supply
chain management, facilities management
and driving enterprise competitiveness
across FMCG, Oil and Gas, Energy, B2B,
B2C and B2G . Adept in strategic supply
chain management and Implementation,
profit & loss accountability and general
management, business Development,
product and brand positioning as well as
strategic leadership. Blending strategic
system thinking in managing multi-site
manufacturing operations, inspiring teams to
optimum performance, identifying emerging
market opportunities to drive high
organizational profitability, enhancing
competitive advantage.
David graduated with a Higher National
Diploma (Electrical /Electronic Engineering)
f r o m Ya b a C o l l e g e o f Te c h n o l o g y,
Postgraduate Certificate in Strategic
Marketing from Carrington Foundation-
Centre for Professional Development,
United Kingdom. MBA (Human Resource
Mgt) from the prestigious Ahmadu Bello
University, Zaria, Kaduna.
He also holds European Executive MBA
from Rome Business School, Italy and
Doctorate in Strategic Management from
Institute of Management Specialist (IMS)
USA.A fellow of the Chartered Institute of
Management Consultant (FCIMC) and
Chartered Management Consultant
(CMC).a member of the Institute of Strategic
Management, Nigeria.
He oversees the day-to-day operations of
the business. He was appointed as
Managing Director /Chief Executive Officer
with effect from March 20th, 2023.